Saturday, December 12, 2009


Every decision made determines a forever change in my life-journey... God, please speak loudly, because I want to do the right thing and I'm not a very good listener. Amen.

I've been tryin' to find a song that speaks God's Word to me for each day... I wonder...
do rainbows offer just a hint of the brilliant hues of heaven? I don't think our eyes could withstand the true colors of His rainbow. How awesome is He!!!

And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne. Revelation 4:3

Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars.
Revelation 10:1

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Tea Party with Peppermint Tea...

Today, I decided to have a tea party (with real tea and the china tea set from Grandpa Wright) and read the two books we're slowly reading together. Those being, The Trumpet of the Swan and The Burgess Bird Book for Children. We practiced using excellent manners while enjoying peppermint tea with crackers.

Who knew children could sit so quietly (minus Micah's spilling of his tea cup as he tried to shut the top of the tea kettle)? It was really wonderful. I'm considering intertwining the good habit training that accompanies a tea party with whatever books we are reading for that day. I did ask the girls a few questions about each of the chapters we read today (Not at all CM style, but I wanted to see what details they had grasped). They were, indeed, paying close attention for they even got the hard questions correct! It was really a fun time.

Oh and who knew young children would actually enjoy the taste of hot, peppermint tea. :) We finished off an entire pot!

Lord, I have asked You for eyes to see the world the way You do. I have seen some huge need and great struggle in the lives of many over these last weeks. Lord, I'm feeling so small. I am just one person... but You, Lord... goodness with You, I can move the mountains! Lord, thank You for speaking to me in the book She Did What She Could... that my hands came to find it resting on the bookstore shelf... I'm thankful for the few moments You gave me to read the message You had waiting for me - tucked in it's pages. Please show me what You'd have me to do. I know everything you'd have me to do, is EXACTLY what I could do in the lives of those around me. May You be exalted and lifted up, Holy Father. I'm trying hard to follow after You and so I ask You to keep speaking to me... I pray to have an open heart and willing hands. I'm waiting on You to show me what You'd have me to do next.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What doesJesus want for his birthday?

These last weeks I have been heavy with thought...feeling God's pull to undo all of what I know Christmas to be. Yielding to His prompting to lay everything I know Christmas to be, down on the alter. That in giving it all back, I might allow Him room to make it what He'd have it to be.

but it's feeling so different, hard, a bit messy... this process of dying to self...

I find myself praying over and over, "May there be less of me, and so much more of You." But I confess, He is still feeling crowded out of my Advent season - crowded out by gift lists, grocery lists, to-do lists...

This Christmas season is all about Him... or is it? Is my Advent season reflecting that it's really all about Him?

What if everything I've always known Christmas to be was erased? What would happen if I let go of everything familiar and set out to embrace the holiday season as He would have it? What if I allowed Him full access to everything from family traditions and memory-making to meal planning and gift-giving? Just what would happen?

What could happen?

He came to change the world... to transform her landscape forever ... Might He change my world this season.... transform the landscape of my heart forever? I hope so. I pray so. Undo me, Lord.

I was reading Ann's ideas and something in me wanted to sing...Yes, all gifts in this family of six could be just for Him... giving to those around the world in need... children circling items they want...

not for themselves, but for others...

Yes, Lord, go ahead and undo my version of Christmas ... build it up new.... may it be Your Christmas. May my own heart be the first gift You open...

Monday, December 7, 2009

The God of New Beginnings

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away;behold, the new has come"

Why is it that I cling to the old self and am fearful and hesitant to embrace the new things God brings my way? I can think of many times in my life where God went ahead of me, carefully unfolding His plan to bring forth new life in me. He was waiting, ready to show me all the things He had in store, but I was clinging dearly to the old and familiar. I was fearful of letting go... and the process hurt. God had to take my clenched fist and remove each finger, one by one. He kept whispering, "Come, Child. Be not afraid. I mean for all things to work for your greatest good. I have no plans to harm you, Child. I love you."

In this holy season of we prepare for the coming birth of our Savior, so often I'm caught up in a lengthy "to do" list....the endless preparations... but what am I really preparing for? Gift openings and endless meals? or am I preparing a way for my Lord? To welcome Him into the fabric of my day to day life with sincere willingness to be changed from the inside out? am I caught up in commercialism or God's wondrous miracles? Am I clinging to the familiar or embracing the new?

I was blessed to visit the home of a sweet couple this weekend. A man who's body is giving way to the cancer. His bones and frail frame will not bear the weight any longer. He lays flat in bed day after day, unable to move himself. His tenderhearted wife ever near to meet his day to day needs. In the world's eyes, this tender couple doesn't have much to speak of... Oh, but they are rich. If you didn't have eyes to see it, you'd most certainly miss it...the true beauty and bounty that surrounds them. They seem to possess everything on my wish list this year... tremendously rich faith, refined by trials and testing, tender hearts filled with grace and mercy, peaceful minds at rest in Christ. It is a gift to know them. I aspire to be more like them. This season, you will not find them rushing here and there, gathering up trees and tinsel. There is no real place for such things these days. The endless shopping lists, cookie varieties, holiday cards no longer seem of any significance....for they understand, all too clearly, now is the time to gather 'round the manger draw close, arm in arm and receive our King with hearts wide open.

This weekend I was reminded just how impossible it is to embrace the baby Jesus, when I'm holding stacks of groceries, holiday party items, and packages. In glancing around their home, some might conclude they aren't ready for Christmas... the eyes of the world certainly wouldn't find it anywhere, but their home is brimming with Christmas...

is mine???

Christmas is the tender touch.
Christmas is the thankful heart.
Christmas is the hope of Christ.
Christmas is the offering of self.
Christmas is the prayer offered.
Christmas is the true, lasting peace.

He came unto His own, but they received him not...

Lord, give me eyes to see! Help me to bend a knee at the ready myself to embrace the King of kings. I want to see You clearly... to see Christmas through Your eyes. That I might let go of all that is old and familiar, and rush to the new, unfamiliar path you have set before me. Father God, I am so richly blessed. Thank you will never seem enough...You have freely given me the greatest gift I have ever received... Christ, my Savior is born!

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Mostly because I don't want anyone who mights stumble across this page to use any photos of my sweet ones. :) Thanks!