Friday, February 26, 2010

Be who you were made to be...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

Wouldn't it be nice if each of us consistently remembered we're one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted works of art? If only we'd choose to live lives filled with deep authenticity, being in full agreement with Him that we are truly an inside-out kind of wonderful.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I Love You Too!

I have had a very busy two weeks with the kids. I appreciate my hubby so much, but even moreso do I notice the million and one reasons why I am so blessed to have him by my side each day. I am so missing the companionship we share. I love my man! When he's gone for an extended length of time, I really don't have much time on the computer at all, but since it's been so long I needed to stop in and say hello.

I was at my women's study on Revelation this past Thursday. And we were all chatting about the many ways God revealed himself to us this week. I realized just how great of an adjustment I need in my own thinking...

So many in history believed that experiencing any sort of revelation from God meant certain death. We all know, in our human, sinful state, we are unable to withstand God's glory. People throughout history wanted to know God as deeply as they possibly could, this side of heaven, that they made it up in their minds to ask for his revelation even knowing they would die. It was WORTH it to them! How foolish I can be, asking him for a fresh revelation as if he's going to pop out from behind a bush! May I grow in the fear of the Lord more and more as I come before Him, seeking to know more of who He really is and not what I have come to think him to be. There will always be a HUGE difference in that, bc I have a very small mind, but I pray I am open to new ideas and changing beliefs about God and His world and His world to come.

And the other thing someone shared was this:

We are often so quick to tell God how much we love Him, but really our response should be,


because He first loved us...

puts things into a really great perspective, doesn't it?

It was taken from Beth Moore's Wednesday night message.

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Mostly because I don't want anyone who mights stumble across this page to use any photos of my sweet ones. :) Thanks!