Monday, September 28, 2009

Bright morning blessings...

Psalm 139

God's Omnipresence and Omniscience.
For the choir director. A Psalm of David.
1O LORD, You have"searched me and known me.
2You "know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You "understand my thought from afar.
3You "scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
4Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, O LORD, You "know it all.

We woke to a glorious day of warmth and sunshine. During our morning meal, we read in the Word and continued on in thanking God for the richness of this day and all the blessings that we'd soon discover. The littles couldn't wait to be outdoors. So when they had finished eating their nourishing food, I quickly wiped their sweet faces and sent them outdoors. I stayed behind to clear the morning dishes and complete a handful of tasks before joining them.

I began to watch them carefully as I continued at the sink. I wondered why they were playing up near the house. We have this big, open beautiful yard. Why are they so close? Within their first few moments of being outdoors, little faces found themselves smooshed tightly to a screen, hands cupped around eyes in hope of finding better focus. They still couldn't see me. They knew I was there, but couldn't see. They began to endlessly call for me to come. "I'm coming." I assured them.

So with paper, pen, & Bible in hand, I made my own way out to the fresh, sweet-smelling air. Even as I stepped through the threshold to the porch, my littles scurried down the hill, away from me to play. It was then, I realized, they simply needed to know I was close at hand....near to them. Simple assurance of rescue should need arise.

I took my place at the table and began thanking God as I watched the littles play. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face. You know that feeling. It's as if all the goodness of God comes and settles upon you. :) With that moment, a gentle breeze came and quickly kissed my cheek. Don't you just love these days when summer and fall overlay? When the familiar of summer begins to mix with the newness of fall. A perfect mix... And I could feel Him...close at hand. Thank you, Lord.

I, indeed, share the same need of my children. I seek the assurance of rescue should need arise. The knowing that God is standing beside me each moment of this day. I, like my littles, feel the same need to cling closely when my eyes seemingly refuse to bring Him into focus.

And like them, I call out repeatedly,

"Are you there, Lord?"

"Yes, Child. I'm still here."

"Oh, I just wanted to be sure."

Yes, I understand. He is here. It's my vision that has been darkened by distraction; by this noisy life surrounding me. And I find myself wanting Him....needing Him... needing to see Him.

So I set out to seek Him... to slow my hurried pace and ask Him to clear my many distractions. And as the Faithful One has promised, I find Him. My vision is restored. I see clearly again. I find the assurance only He can bring... and with it, a quiet, peacefulness only He can offer. The many chains of busyness lay broken on the floor. The darkness of distraction has fled, having been illuminated by who He is. I can see Him clearly... standing here with me. He has been here all the while. "Thank You, Lord.", I whisper.

And so I, once again, have been set free to go about these earthly tasks with assurance I am not alone...never for a single moment, am I alone. Praise Your Holy Name.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And the blessings fall like rain...

"Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10

God. Faithful Provider. So much blessing, there isn't room enough for it. In writing in my gratitude journal, I witness endless streams of blessing pouring from His hand; moment by rich moment.

A new day... yet another wondrous God-sighting... because He really does bless me this richly in all the small moments of my day, if only I'd pause and have eyes to see...

I had ended a sweet conversation with a very dear friend. Somewhere in the mix of words, laughs, and sighs of long day, I felt a gentle nudge from the Father. Child, she has a small need. I've blessed you with ample supply. Give. Test me in this...

Test me in this... Give.... supply.... yes, rich supply.

The words tumbled in my head awhile... rich supply. Child, consider the blessings of this very supply. Yes, so much blessing. Constant blessing; I do not have ample room for it's abundance... I was made to give... Open hands waiting...needing. He blessed me with supply, so that I might give...

Do I have open hands to give??? Open hands...

I phoned my friend today to note a small package I'd be sending. As I hung up the phone and tended to the needs of my littles, I could feel His presence... weighty, tangible... I could feel His smile, head nodding: Yes, Child, give. It's not in it's rightful place with you. I simply wanted to bless you in My blessing of others. The bigger gift is really that which I gave you, Child. Give. Open hands. Open heart.

He might have easily provided in a different easily. Said item isn't really so much of anything...just metal... an earthly treasure of sorts which will surely rust in the Day of the Lord. It is nothing. Yet, my God, in His knowing, decided to bless me...offering me His rich supply... to my heart. In His love, He poured out blessings of supply and opportunity. My offering...obedience.

Open hands.

Continuous giving...Of course...So like Him. The Beautiful Giver.

Constant.... pouring of blessing... rich supply.

While all of this was unfolding, unbeknownst to me, a friend had dropped off a huge, fresh watermelon from her parent's well-loved garden. God knew I'd be out of fresh fruit today. :)

Test me in this... I will pour out so much supply...opportunity...

His hands...beautiful hands...ever open...

stretched from one end of that rugged cross to the other.

He gave me everything... open supply...

Monday, September 21, 2009

because we all need a peaceful place

I read on my new favorite blog, Holy Experience, about creating a physical place in your home to be your peaceful place. A place to go and meet the person who is peace.

Here's the link: - read it, you'll want to go make one too.

After I explained what this quiet, little corner of our busy home was to be, the kids looked as though they did not have a clue as to what I was talking about. Oh, but I love that God used a small moment to teach me this: Even with my best intentions, I fail. I fail miserably. But He, who keeps watchful eye over me, saw my heart at that small moment. He understood how badly I wanted to create this safe haven...this space where my littles could begin to better understand that when life seems too much...when they feel battered and bruised ... when they feel that even mommy has failed them... gulp... they are able to run straight to the waiting arms of a strong and knowing Savior who is eager to hold them tightly. Who promises to hold them till peace is restored.

He saw my crushed spirit as I gazed at their small faces, scooped them up and held them close. He listened to my quick plea for help. And He, being who He is, redeemed my failed attempt.

Hours later... Biggest sister said, "I'd like to go to our peaceful place to talk to Jesus awhile." I nodded. So she went, climbed up and got cozy with a hand-knit blanket and opened a child's bible that was waiting there. I lit her a sweet-smelling candle and left her to be alone with Him. She was lost in His arms for well over an hour. When she later appeared in the kitchen for a drink, she said with broad smile, "Jesus brings the bestest peace ever! He loves me so much, Mom. Did you know that? I love that place, Mom. Thanks for making a peaceful place in our house so we can go to Him any time we want."

I had a giant lump in my throat as I witnessed, once again, the truth of who God is...

I failed. He redeemed. He filled our home with Himself. He restored perfect peace. I did nothing. I simply offered Him what I had - a willing heart and a failed attempt. So like Him... making something so beautiful out of from ashes.

Sometimes something tangible serves as a necessary reminder for each of us, big and small, that He is, indeed, always near... His sheltering arms are always available... He's ever ready to quiet us with His love and restore us with perfect peace.

Come, Holy Father, bless this home and all who enter it


We just finished up the FIAR book Madeline this week. We began the week discussing Philippians 4:8 and "smiling at the good" as well as "frowning at the bad". We decided Proverbs 1:10 would be a great memory verse for the week: My son, when sinners entice you, do not give into them. It was a timely reminder for each of us to do what is right - even when others (sometimes even friends and family) might be doing something that is naughty, but we still need to ask God to help us use our muscles to stay strong and do what is right! :)

We read various bible stories about showing compassion and made a list of ways we could show compassion for a friend who is in the hospital. The list was pretty cute. I think sundaes came up a few times (thank you Braum's).

We also identified France on the map and talked a little bit about the country and drew and colored it's flag. Another fun crafty-thing we did, was make our own storybooks. We chatted awhile on how the illustrator used a monochromatic (one color theme) picture on several pages, while using a polychromatic picture on other pages and why he might do that. We finished that day with illustrating our own stories.

Yet another tidbit of some fun things we did around here this week. Oh, and for the record, we do cover a bit of the basics around here too: writing practice (this time in shaving cream), counting to 100, deductive reasoning skills, sequencing, motor skill development... This type of stuff just happens as we live each day out... I just try to keep to my one goal for each day: have as much fun in learning as possible! Thank you, Jesus!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Moved to tears...

As I sung the words to this song in church this morning, I found it impossible to hold back my tears. I found myself overwhelmed, once again, by the truth of who Jesus is. I stood there, tears streaming down my face, wondering how God could love someone like me, so much...

As I sung the chorus a second time, I realize the lump in my throat was forming for another reason... In tears, I found myself pleading with God to shine His light on the whole world and let them see....really see the truth of Him who is calling their name. He's waiting for them to acknowledge His voice in their life. Namely, the friends and family, whom I love so much, who do not yet understand why it is I sing to, cry over, and plead with a Father in heaven to be mighty to save them. I pray they don't go another day living on their own.

Your Word says: For we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God that we might understand what God has freely given us...the man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2: 12, 14

Lord, God, I stand humbled by your love and the gift of your mercy and grace. I don't understand why you are ever so patient and loving with me...why you turn your face toward me when, too often, I am trying to live on my own strength. I need You, Lord. I believe in my heart and express with my mouth that You, Jesus, paid the price for my sin. You conquered sin, death, and the grave. I am free in You. I do believe, Lord, I do believe. Forgive and redeem my selfishness and failures. Please just wrap me in You and enable me to grow to be more Christ-like daily.

Sweetest Father, I know there are far too many on this earth who live each day without You. God, many of these are friends and family... beautiful people you have placed in my life for a reason beyond that which I know. Lord, You are, indeed, mighty to save. I believe that with everything in me. I believe You will shine Your holy light on them and call them to Yourself. Lord, please break their hearts of stone and replace them with softened hearts of flesh. I pray you will pour out your Spirit on them...that they will turn toward You with open hearts and hands and receive You. I beg You to open their eyes. This world has nothing for us...nothing. I will follow You. I pray they will too, Lord.
In the Holy name of Jesus, Amen.

What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?

Matthew 16:26

For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it.
I Timothy 6:7

Thanks, God, for the much needed reminder of why I'm here. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You. You are all I need...this world, surely, has nothing for me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Be sure to check out AMBLEcommunity under my blog list. It's the fun-loving homeschool group I'm connected to down here. What a sweet, sweet bunch of people. I'm blessed to be a part of this group.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Who is like God?

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. Psalm 145:3-5,13b, 15-17

Thursday, September 10, 2009

To live in that magical world...

Forgotten Language
by Shel Silverstein
Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
And shared a conversation with the housefly
in my bed.
Once I heard and answered all the questions
of the crickets,
And joined the crying of each falling dying
flake of snow,
Once I spoke the language of the flowers. . . .
How did it go?
How did it go?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My own meadow of favor and blessing...

I find great joy in watching my children as they meander through our backyard. I delight in hearing them take notice of the butterflies hovering over a flower, the ants carrying leaves on their backs, or the newest patch of mushrooms growing in a friendly family of four. I love when one of them shares a new-found treasure with another little friend during Nature Study. Each time, I am reminded of a gentler time, when the world wasn't in the rush it is today. I'm reminded of a time where people enjoyed the God-created world around them for what it was, and weren't in need of today's latest technology to entertain them.
We might not live in such a time, but I believe we can be deliberate in bringing back a kinder, slower pace of life for our families. I believe if we seek God's guidance, He will bless us with a path which leads to something gentle...something rich...a life filled with wonder. I believe He eagerly awaits every opportunity to show us the magnitude of His majesty and the depths of His wonder. We need to slow down. We need to heed the lesson of Mary and Martha.
I feel so incredibly blessed to have the privilege of training my children. I am learning, day by day, that I don't need to teach them. God has provided ample amounts of tools & resources, and is kind enough to set out before me all that is needed each day to learn all of the lessons He has for us individually. I need to train myself, and then my children, to kneel before our Maker and ask Him to teach us about who He is and this life He has created for each of us. I need to train them to be still and take in all the things in this world that whisper His name and display His glory. I need to allow them the freedom to go with what is inside them. He created them so uniquely... and He alone knows what His plans include for their lives. I need not teach them; no, He made them with everything they need to be who He wants them to be and called them to do. He's brilliantly placed it inside them. It my privilege to help them discover the God-established brilliance that lies in wait. I love when, in the peak of a great moment, you overhear someone saying, "I was born for this!" with a smile stretched broadly across their face...
Yes, I pray my children will have many gentle days of discovering all God has for them to learn about Him, themselves, and their places in this world. I pray they have a life filled with moments they know, deep down, they were born for. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

Week 2: Lentil

We had an enjoyable time with Lentil this week. We learned about jealousy and chatted about the many ways it causes problems in our lives. We learned that God blesses each of us with special gifts and talents to be used to glorify Him. Not everyone shares the same gifts. Lentil wasn't able to sing or whistle, but he could play the harmonica. We saw in Lentil's example that when we choose to partner with God in using our gifts, He takes care of the rest. Our memory verse this week was Proverbs 18:16 A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great. We saw how Lentil practiced his harmonica playing, and how God equipped him with what he had planned for him to do all along - help save the day! He went from not being good at something, to riding with the esteemed Col. Carter. God blessed Lentil for being a good steward of his gift.
We learned many fun things with this book, characters and parts of a story. We talked about patriotism, the American flag, and many things about our country of which we can be proud. We touched on fractions by cutting a lemon and an apple into 1/2 and 1/4 pieces. We spoke on how God made our bodies with taste buds and discovered where the "sour" taste buds are on our tongues. We truly are uniquely and wonderfully made by Him. We also talked about the art medium:charcoal. The kids had a grand time smudging their pictures, just like the illustrator did in the book.
We ended the week with a bit of harmonica playing of our own... Yes, it was a fun-filled week. God be the glory.

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Mostly because I don't want anyone who mights stumble across this page to use any photos of my sweet ones. :) Thanks!