Friday, November 12, 2010

Ever Present Help

So my oldest turns 6 today! I am taken back by how quickly these seemingly long moments of each day quickly become such fleeting years. I honestly need to learn better how to embrace THIS MOMENT.

God is an ever present help. I read that constantly. I must admit that I don't know if that head knowledge reaches my heart often enough these days... Day that swirl about me as I nurse my 4 week old, change the diaper on my 19 month old, fix broken toys and bruised egos of the other three kiddos... and throw in a dash of laundry, cooking and pick-up.

Ever present help in time of need...

Why do I think God can only handle my Big Stuff sometimes? Do I really believe that He's unable to care for the small detail of my day? Of course I don't. I know He's big enough, but I don't live that trust out in my day to day all of the time. I try to tackle far too much on my own strength. It turns out upside down... Either I accomplish what I set out to do and I am overcome with much pride. Or I just plain ole fail.

Ever present help in time of need...

Today my sweet girl is 6! Lord, I want to full know and trust in every detail that you are BIG enough to handle everything in my day. I need to KNOW you are ever present and offering a hand in EVERY moment so I can live that out in faith each day... It's a gift I can daily give my kiddos... I want them to KNOW early on you alone are our ever present help... You fill up this house and make it a home. You take 7 VERY different people and bring us together to make it a family. We need you. We love you.

Lord, 6 years ago today I became someone's Mommy. I was forever changed the moment she was laid in my arms. Lord, I thank you for the many blessing you have entrusted to me. I am overwhelmed with how good you are to me and the favor you have bestowed on me, an unworthy traveler. Walk with me, Lord. Thank you for being the prefect help I need in every moment in every need... big or small...

Love you.

Being Intentional

With the birth of sweet AK, came the inevitable change in our family "routine" ... So while we are in the process of adjusting, I'm implementing "Messy Mondays with Mama" and "Family Fridays" ... I'm praying God's help with this every step of the way. I am a creature of habit and without his help, this will only remain an idea.

The Rules for Mondays: #1 Have fun! Enjoy the Moments!
#2 No cleaning (except the kitchen table and floor) during the day! That
stuff can wait till the evening - it's not going anywhere... These
moments sure are!
#3 Limit the distractions: no phone, computer, tv during the day.
#4 Have fun! Enjoy the Moments!!!

*** School on Mondays will change as well. We'll be doing messy craft projects, art, etc. on Messy Mondays. We'll continue to read, but the other subjects can wait. I have wee ones around and want to enjoy these sweet blessings that God has entrusted to my care... I am certain he will continue to bless their minds and such in the way of formal education as we're seeking to be even more intentional about creating a closer togetherness with each other and Him.

Family Fridays: This will consist of our regular school day and a.m. and p.m. chore packs (thank Mrs Duggar for that lovely idea) But in the afternoon we'll make our Friday pizzas together - and we'll even make our own cheese once in awhile! They love fresh Mozzarella! Friday nights are family night where we play games or watch a family movie with popcorn and end the night with family reading time all together! This will help set the tone for our weekends - to be conscious of taking the time to really seek the moments we can as a complete family... to enjoy each other and really get to know these sweet people we do daily life with!

Dear God,
I am so unworthy and in adequate to care for these 5 small sheep. They will surely follow where I am leading, Lord. So I pray that you enable me to follow you more closely. I can't do anything on my own. I pray you will place your hand of blessing on these small ideas for creating even more closeness in our family. You know me, Father, all too well. You know I crave order in our home.... and you also know that it distracts me from my kiddos at times. I don't choose "the better" often enough - time with you and time with them... So I am asking for you to help us grow closer as as family to you and to each other - - - using whatever means you need to do that.

In Jesus' name,

Monday, November 8, 2010


I was with a good friend the other day and had a very surreal moment - the "how the heck did I get here?" moment of life.

Now, please don't misunderstand, I love my life. I feel tremendously blessed to have these 5 children and the life my hubby and I live with them each day. I will admit, that I have had more than a few moments lately where I throw my hands up and claim, "I give up. How did we get here?"

I feel entirely inadequate to parent and educate this handful of five tiny people. I know that God is strong where I am weak... and that he is glorified when I am made nothing. I am nothing. I can't do it all. I am only me. I have these people depending on me... and I am reminded that God wants me to depend on him the way they do on me.

I have children who aren't listening and obeying me and I am reminded how often I turn a deaf ear to my Father. Yet, my kiddos frustrate me with their unwillingness to obey. My Father is ever patient and loving toward me.

I have much to learn from my handful of tiny people... God is so good to teach me through them and in this journey of parenting.

I am nothing without him. I feel completely unworthy and incapable of the task at hand... and I wonder, "Seriously, why on earth did you bring me to this place?"

His answer is always bc I love you and want deeper relationship with you. Perhaps I needed yet another reminding of just how in-over-my-head I am with all these responsibilities that come with abundant blessing... and He was gracious enough to remind me.

Walk with me today, Jesus. I need to feel you close. I am a weary traveler on this journey and need you to carry me today. Amen.

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Mostly because I don't want anyone who mights stumble across this page to use any photos of my sweet ones. :) Thanks!