We had an enjoyable time with Lentil this week. We learned about jealousy and chatted about the many ways it causes problems in our lives. We learned that God blesses each of us with special gifts and talents to be used to glorify Him. Not everyone shares the same gifts. Lentil wasn't able to sing or whistle, but he could play the harmonica. We saw in Lentil's example that when we choose to partner with God in using our gifts, He takes care of the rest. Our memory verse this week was Proverbs 18:16 A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great. We saw how Lentil practiced his harmonica playing, and how God equipped him with what he had planned for him to do all along - help save the day! He went from not being good at something, to riding with the esteemed Col. Carter. God blessed Lentil for being a good steward of his gift.
We learned many fun things with this book, characters and parts of a story. We talked about patriotism, the American flag, and many things about our country of which we can be proud. We touched on fractions by cutting a lemon and an apple into 1/2 and 1/4 pieces. We spoke on how God made our bodies with taste buds and discovered where the "sour" taste buds are on our tongues. We truly are uniquely and wonderfully made by Him. We also talked about the art medium:charcoal. The kids had a grand time smudging their pictures, just like the illustrator did in the book.
We ended the week with a bit of harmonica playing of our own... Yes, it was a fun-filled week. God be the glory.

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