Well, the title of this blog is after the imaginary friends in my kiddos' lives... It was first set up to be about our home educating experiences so that family had a better idea of what this wacky world of ours looks like. It was also intended to catch some of these treasured moments that pass all too quickly...
That said:
On Friday morning I decided to take the kids and make a quick run to Target for a few groceries.
On the way Ainsley pipes up, " Hey Mom, I better give Lob a call. I haven't spoken to him in ages."
I answer from the front with a smile, "Yes, you should give him a call. Where is Lob these days?"
I am giddy with excitement as there has been little talk of Lob for a very long while. I was beginning to think that the days spent listening to the tales of their life together were all but memories.Ainsley whips out her left hand a with right pointer begins to dial on her "cell phone". I hear her murmur, "10-3-6-1-2-4 ... Mom, it's ringing! I'm so excited! I hope he's home."
I wait with eager anticipation... with a smile plastered to my face as I drive.
Ainsley's conversation begins, "Lob, it's Ainsley. Goodness it's been awhile. How are you all doing?! Where are you living at these days? Last I heard you had moved from Michigan to Texas to get out of the cold and into some better weather....Oh really, wow! You're in Florida now...Oh, Orlando. Really?, Micky Mouse had an accident and you took a job to help the Disney Company out? That's sounds so remarkable...so amazing!"
Really, Lob moved from Michigan to Texas and I never heard a story about it? He's been in Michigan since we lived in Michigan. Hmmnnn, that's interesting. I can't wait for more...."Sure, I can hold for awhile. You take care of that." she states.
"Oh, yes. I'm sure they all love it. Really, that's why you stayed in Florida? I bet all ten kids really love it there. Oh, I'm sure. You're such a wonderful dad to stay because they are all so happy there and love to swim so much. That's just so amazing of you. You are really the best dad and husband around."
Yes, Rosabella is good. I love that cat. She keeps me so much company. She seems very happy here in Oklahoma."
"Well, I really should go. We're out running a few errands to the grocery store, but I really just thought I should check in to see how you and the kids were doing. I love you guys so much and miss you like crazy. Okay, you too. Have a wonderful day! Bye!"
Then there is a long silence and she's staring out the car window. I ask if everything is okay with Lob and the family. She smiles hugest smiles...
"Mom, my husband is such a great guy! He had moved to Texas for some better weather, but Mickey had an accident and he felt led to go and help where he could. He packed up all the kids in the car and just moved to Florida. Can you even believe that? He really has a heart to help others out. He's a great guy."
She's chuckling to herself in sheer amazement of his goodness of heart. "Yeah, Mom, he stayed there even after the work was finished. I guess the kids really love it, so he decided to stay and make sure they were happiest. Isn't he just the greatest?"
I smile and respond, "Wow, he sure is amazing, Ainsley. That's a really big move to make with the kids. How is everyone doing? From the sound of it, they all seem to be really happy. How's Lob's job? Did you make any plans to meet up with him anytime soon?"
She sighs a long, drawn out sigh, "Mom, I can't see him. I live here in Oklahoma! Do you even know how far away Florida is? The kids are doing great - all ten of them. Lob's still working to help Mickey feel better and all that. He's doing really good. It was great to catch up with him again."
So then I ask, "Ainsley, did you tell him about Rosabella?" Knowing that sometimes Rosabella is her cat and sometimes it's her last daughter.
Never quite sure how that all works...She replies, "Yep. I told him the cat and I were doin' just fine. He was happy to hear."
She was happy as a lark....
and so was I... Maybe even more than she.
I started to think of the entire phone call and couldn't help but laugh to myself. Here was my sweet, tenderhearted daughter - a deadbeat mama. Ha! Seriously, she and Lob have been married ever since his name was first mentioned back when she was just a bit over age 2. She has almost always lived apart from him. He has always worked and cared for all ten kids (with the exception being when Rosabella is the baby.) I did ask how she ended up with the cat. She said that it was a gift for the baby, but Lob just had enough to handle with the kids, so he said she should take the cat. This, by the way, is what I say whenever anyone mentions we should get a pet around here... Anyway, I love the whole story... Someday soon, I will need to write all I can remember of our days spent with Lob. I fear, all too soon, he will really be only a memory in our lives... a special friend who has truly graced all of us with his presence. I'm certain Ainsley will be grateful to have these wonderful moments to read through. I'm betting I will be the one to cherish them even more.
Lob, friend and dear imaginary son-in-law, I am so glad to hear you are doing well. I pray you will stick around awhile longer...you brighten my days... just by being you.
Lord, thank you for each one of my special kiddos - and for their wonderful imaginary friends. I pray You would continue to develop, in Ainsley, a heart that seeks You passionately - with wild abandon... I pray You keep her tender for Your people and give her a servant's heart. I pray she will, like Lob, follow Your leading and drop everything to go if You ask that of her.... I pray Ainsley would remain faithful in every way to You, Lord, until You bring her real-life prince charming to her. Father, I pray he will be a man following hard after Your own heart. I pray she will find herself amazed by his tenderness and love beyond even her wildest imagination. I pray, even now, You are keeping him, my sweet son-in-law, in Your tender care.