I was re-reading
this post and praying for this sweet baby and her family...and thanking God for drawing close to us - I was reminded in my Bible reading this morning what a fool I often am ... and in that foolishness of thought and action the God of the Universe draws nearer to me still... and loves me so much that he willingly leans in close to take in each one of my offered prayer-words.
I called the kids to pray with me over this sweet baby. I explained that she was born a little while ago and was really sick and we needed to pray. Em's eyes filled with tears (she's so tenderhearted) and she quickly prayed for Jesus to heal this sweet baby and with heads bowed, I prayed with prayer-words a plea to Jesus and teaching words to my kiddos, that Jesus, the hear-er of all our prayers, knew exactly when this sweet baby would be welcomed into the world and he knew exactly when those breaths stopped and knows, even now, how many breaths she will take before He carries her back home.
Em broke out in full out sobs and interrupted with, "Mom, I don't like that the baby is sick. Can Jesus let her stay longer?" I said I didn't know, but that we were asking him if she could. If she can't and he wants to take her back to her home in heaven, that we were asking Jesus to comfort her parents and help them not to be sad for too long. That they would cling to the hope we have in Jesus no matter what happens...
Lord, I am overwhelmed with emotion and at a loss for words. I deeply love each of my dear children who are so willing to pray for others ...for Em's heart who is moved to tears over the pain someone is experiencing. Forgive me for not always looking closer, bending low, to see that that little girl holds one heck of a lot of love for everyone she encounters. I'm grateful to have the chance to see such a beautiful heart in her. May she always have Your heart for others, Lord. Thank you, words not enough dear Father, that by Your amazing grace,, I get to be their mama...