Tonight I spent time with a dear friend whom I hadn't seen it awhile. As soon as we made plans, I was eagerly anticipating our visit. It's not that we had anything in particular to share, but I was simply looking forward to spending time together. I'm always telling my hubby as I'm leaving for her house, "I'll try to be home earlier than last time." It never seems to happen. Tonight I made it home just before 2am. Nothin' like a good friend...
On my way home tonight I began to think about what it is that makes hangin' out so great. It's not like we do anything extraordinary. All to the contrary actually. Tonight we put the kids to bed, grabbed an icee, and drove around lookin' at homes in nearby neighborhoods while we conversed about anything that came to mind. So what is it that makes it so fun? I boiled it down to one specific thing... Around her, I am forever able to kick off my shoes awhile and just be me. Wherever I'm at in that moment, that's what she's gettin'...and she'd have it no other way.
So as I'm driving home, all these thoughts begin to swirl around in my mind. As the radio sings in the background, I think, "That's exactly how it is with my God! He eagerly anticipates spending time with me. He can't get enough of me! Even at my worst, He is eager to spend time together." I'm always taken back a bit by such thoughts. The Creator of the Universe, who breathes all life into being; eagerly awaits any moment we spend together. His invitation is always "come as you are." He's delighted when I plan to kick off my shoes and stay a good, long while in His presence...
If that doesn't just get one excited to crack open His Word... I mean, the One who was, is, and is to come, speaks directly to me through the pages of the Bible. He has infinite wisdom and understanding to pour out over me - if only I'd sit awhile longer...if only I'd be bold in my asking, trusting in His faithfulness... He'd do anything for me; He's done EVERYTHING for me in providing His beloved Son as atonement for my sin.... the very thought takes my breath away.
Thank you, dearest Father, for blessing me with friends and family who add so much richness and beauty to my life. Thank you for not only wanting to spend time with me, but giving the ultimate sacrifice to do so. May I be ever excited to spend time with You as I am to spend time with the dear friends you have blessed me with. God, my Redeemer, who calls me His friend. Blessed be Your name.