"Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10
God. Faithful Provider. So much blessing, there isn't room enough for it. In writing in my gratitude journal, I witness endless streams of blessing pouring from His hand; moment by rich moment.
A new day... yet another wondrous God-sighting... because He really does bless me this richly in all the small moments of my day, if only I'd pause and have eyes to see...
I had ended a sweet conversation with a very dear friend. Somewhere in the mix of words, laughs, and sighs of long day, I felt a gentle nudge from the Father. Child, she has a small need. I've blessed you with ample supply. Give. Test me in this...
Test me in this... Give.... supply.... yes, rich supply.
The words tumbled in my head awhile... rich supply. Child, consider the blessings of this very moment...rich supply. Yes, so much blessing. Constant blessing; I do not have ample room for it's abundance... I was made to give... Open hands waiting...needing. He blessed me with supply, so that I might give...
Do I have open hands to give??? Open hands...
I phoned my friend today to note a small package I'd be sending. As I hung up the phone and tended to the needs of my littles, I could feel His presence... weighty, tangible... I could feel His smile, head nodding: Yes, Child, give. It's not in it's rightful place with you. I simply wanted to bless you in My blessing of others. The bigger gift is really that which I gave you, Child. Give. Open hands. Open heart.
He might have easily provided in a different manner....so easily. Said item isn't really so much of anything...just metal... an earthly treasure of sorts which will surely rust in the Day of the Lord. It is nothing. Yet, my God, in His knowing, decided to bless me...offering me His rich supply... to my heart. In His love, He poured out blessings of supply and opportunity. My offering...obedience.
Open hands.
Continuous giving...Of course...So like Him. The Beautiful Giver.
Constant.... pouring of blessing... rich supply.
While all of this was unfolding, unbeknownst to me, a friend had dropped off a huge, fresh watermelon from her parent's well-loved garden. God knew I'd be out of fresh fruit today. :)
Test me in this... I will pour out so much blessing...rich supply...opportunity...
His hands...beautiful hands...ever open...
stretched from one end of that rugged cross to the other.
He gave me everything... open hands...rich supply...
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